LAG – Laboratory for the study of the genome

Biological Ressources Centre – Institut Pasteur de Lille (BRC)

LAG CRB pasteur lille plateforme


The Institut Pasteur de Lille – Biological Resources Center (IPL-CRB) is a technological platform of the Institut Pasteur de Lille created in 1998. Its missions are to collect, manage and enhance collections of human biological resources, within the framework of projects concerning cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurodegenerative diseases. 

The IPL – CRB has been certified since October 2018 according to the Afnor NF S96 / 900 quality standard which is a standard for “Quality of biological resource centers (BRC) – Management system of a BRC and quality of biological resources”. This certification guarantees professional collection management, traceability and sample quality.


Make biological resources available with the agreement of the investigator, respecting the consent of donors, regulations, the safety of our staff and ensuring traceability of transformed and stored biological resources.


– Receive, prepare and / or conserve and make available biological resources of human origin, for their use in research as part of scientific projects.

– Help investigators carry out their projects when they require the management of biological samples.

– Prepare samples according to the services requested.

– Guarantee the traceability and good conservation of biological resources.

– Participate in national and European networks to allow the harmonization of practices.


– Aliquoting of biological products: whole blood, urine, stools, fluids, hair, cerebrospinal fluid, expired air condensates…

– Preparation of serums, plasmas, buffy-coat, washed red blood cells…

– Extraction of nucleic acids.

– Storage at different temperatures (-80 ° C, -20 ° C, + 4 ° C, ambient) in rooms with controlled and monitored temperatures.

– Sub-sampling and provision of documented biological resources.

– Duplication of collections.

– National and international shipments.

All of the bioclinical data associated with the samples is the responsibility of the scientific manager of the collection and is therefore not controlled by the BRC.


Philippe AMOUYEL
Head of department

Amandine FLAIG
Operational manager

Frédérique LOBEZ


Biological ressources ; Samples ; Biobanques ; Cohorts

Team contact

Amandine Flaig
Head of the plateform
03 20 87 71 15